
1005 BEACH AV. West End VW, Vancouver West

0 Active Listing(s)
Found in Vancouver's Central area and built in 2004, this Vancouver condo sits near the intersection of EB Beach Ave FS Thurlow St. Alvar is a high-rise condo located in the West End neighbourhood. Alvar is a 29 storey condo, located at Alvar. This Vancouver condo has 106 units. Your monthly condo fees cover Heat, Garbage Pickup, Gardening, Hot Water, Management and Recreation Facility. Alvar's amenities include a Gym / Exercise Room, Elevator and a Hot Tub / Jacuzzi.
Address: 1005 BEACH AV
Area: Vancouver West
Sub-Area West End VW

Request More Info Regarding Alvar

Danny Wong

Oakwyn Realty

400-1286 Homer St Vancouver BC V6B 2Y5

Mobile: 604-839-3541